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Babymigo Medical Hero Of The Month: Dr. Uwadia Omozele Martha

Welcome to the maiden edition of Babymigo's "Medical Hero Of The Month" – a dedicated spotlight on the unsung champions of Babymigo, our exception...

Myth or Fact: Pounded Yam Increases Body Weight During Pregnancy

Contrary to popular belief, yams are a great meal for your diet during pregnancy. They’re known for their high carbohydrate content, provi...

Surrogacy In Nigeria: Everything You Need To Know

What’s Surrogacy? Surrogacy is an arrangement often supported by a legal agreement whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant, carry the...

Health Benefits of Goron Tula In Women 

Goron Tula is a relatively popular fruit in Gombe state. If you're trying to conceive or dealing with infertility, there are certain fruits you can...

Getting Pregnant With Clomid In Nigeria

You might try different medications to help fast-track conception when trying to conceive. If you're having difficulty ovulating, there are various...

Is Gestid Suspension Safe In Pregnancy?

Certain gastrointestinal disorders may affect pregnant women. These disorders range from Gastrointestinal Esophageal reflux disorders to Ulcers...

How To Treat Eela In Babies

Most babies are prone to skin inflammation, this is solely because of the fragility of their body system. Baby rashes on the face, body or bum are very...

Myth or Fact: Dudu Osun Treats Eczema in Nigerian Babies

Eczema is a skin condition that affects people of all ages, including babies. Some common symptoms of eczema include dry, itchy, and inflamed skin...

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