Does Jimpo Ori Clear Stubborn Rashes in New Borns?

Erythema toxicum is a skin rash that affects the majority of infants and causes blotchy red skin. Most frequently, the flat, red spots or tiny bumps start on the face before moving to the body and legs. The rash isn't contagious or harmful. And is common for newborns. This rash goes away in a few days without bothering your baby.


What is jimpo ori?

Jimpo ori is made from shea butter, also known as Ori (Yoruba), Okuma (Igbo), and Ka'danya (Hausa). It works well as a hair moisturizer for dry skin, sunburn, dry lips, etc.


Components of Jimpo Ori


Shea butter 

Essential oils


Uses of Jimpo Ori

  • Your baby's skin is nourished by the vitamins A, E, and F, which are present in Jimpo Ori shea butter.  The skin is also maintained and kept clear and healthy with the help of these vitamins.
  • If your child has dry skin, it may help promote that well-known newborn softness and treat eczema and psoriasis.
  •  Also, Jimpo Ori is very beneficial for skin affected by sunlight. It softens dry or damaged hair and soothes rough, dry, or chapped skin. 
  • Jimpo Ori shea butter might have anti-inflammatory qualities. Since rashes and mosquito bites can cause skin irritation, it would be a suitable option. However, if your infant exhibits them, always consult your doctor.
  • Additionally, Jimpo Ori is very beneficial for skin affected by the sun. It readily penetrates the skin, allowing it to breathe and preventing pore blockage. It contains cinnamic acid, a natural sunblock. Thus, it offers some level of sun protection, but it doesn’t replace processed sunscreen. 

Side Effects of Jimpo Ori

Jimpo Ori shea butter doesn't have any recognized adverse effects. Nevertheless, you should seek medical attention if a bad response occurs. In order to diagnose and treat the issue, speak with the doctor who prescribed it to you first.


However, there are other uses and benefits, which are as follows;

Daily moisturizer for the body and face.

Treats dry skin.

Micro-cuts on the skin.

Body cracks.

Soften the rough skin of your feet, particularly the heels.

Prevents pregnancy stretch mark.

Little burns.


Uniform skin tone.


How Much Does Jimpo Ori Cost?

It cost 2250 for 250ml 


To put it another way, newborn skin is delicate. So, shea butter is fortunately safe for all skin types, even the most delicate and young. Additionally, pure shea butter is free of additional chemicals, sulfates, parabens, and preservatives, unlike many store-bought baby lotions and creams. That is why Jimpo Ori is the brilliant option.


When looking to get shea butter for your baby, check for organic, raw shea butter. The purest products only contain 100% shea butter and nothing else. Check the ingredients list for any chemicals or other possibly dangerous additives.

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