Is Aptamil Safe For Mixed Feeding In Babies?

Mixed feeding is when you feed your baby with breast milk and formula. The finest source of infant nutrition for your child remains breast milk. However, mixed feeding enables you to continue giving your baby the vital nutrients they need if breastfeeding them only is not an option. It is also called Combination Feeding.


Mixed feeding involves breastfeeding and giving your baby formula or bottle-feeding expressed breast milk and formula.


Benefits of mixed feeding

Mixed Feeding has a lot of benefits which will be explained below:


  • Mixed feeding makes a baby well-fed: A newborn must consume enough milk to grow and develop. Combination feeding can be helpful if your baby isn't getting enough breast milk. If you're worried your infant isn't getting enough milk, discuss your concerns with your baby's doctor.
  • Baby's weight: If your baby has lost a lot of weight since birth, you may be advised to provide expressed milk through a cup or bottle in addition to breastfeeding to ensure your child is eating enough. Feeding your baby with a bottle allows you to monitor how much milk your baby consumes. It is normal to offer the breast first, then the bottle later.
  • Busy days: Some parents switch to mixed feeding because they go back to work, take a trip, or are physically unable to care for their infant due to sickness. So mixed feeding will help in this case.
  • Bonding with family: You can split the feeding duties with someone else using a mixed or combination feeding method. This may come in handy if you must be away from your child for any reason or find it difficult to exclusively breastfeed. This will also make your child bond with other family members.

What age should you start mixed feeding for your baby?


Many mothers exclusively breastfeed their infants at first before switching to mixed feeding within a few weeks. Some parents start mixed feeding when their child is still a newborn. Some use mixed feeding as a final option. Combination feeding is frequently required due to a mom's or infant's health. So, it can be introduced safely once breastfeeding has been established. 


Some parents choose to begin mixed feeding about 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth, but every parent's situation is different. But combining breast and bottle feedings from birth may make nursing more challenging since your body will believe it needs to create less milk.


Again, it depends entirely on your goals and your baby's health, whether you introduce formula, bottles, or mixed feeding at a certain age. You can begin mixed feeding several weeks before you start work if you return to the workforce after three months of maternity leave.


What Is Aptamil?


Aptamil First Infant Milk is a fully nourished formula appropriate for breast- or bottle-feeding babies starting at birth.


Is Aptamil the best for mixed feeding in babies?


Aptamil is nutritionally complete, as required by law for all infant formula, and ideal for mixed or formula feeding. It is acceptable as a sole source of nutrition from birth and a part of a weaning diet from six months. Above all, it is a perfect breast milk substitute inspired by 50 years of research in early life science.


Are there any side effects? 


Usually, food allergies are the root of common adverse effects of baby formula. Since a cow's milk allergy is one of the most prevalent allergies in children, several baby formulas like Aptamil contain this ingredient. 


Cow's milk allergy symptoms include eczema, skin rashes, gastrointestinal issues, and stuffy nose. Swelling and breathing difficulties may be symptoms of severe allergies.


Also, you can hurt your baby by giving them a formula that is not adequately prepared. 


Lastly, adverse side effects from baby formula are uncommon. On the other hand, if left untreated, food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, or contaminated baby formula can cause significant health issues.


How much does Aptamil cost in Nigeria?


The price of Aptamil in Nigeria ranges from #9,000 to #29,000 depending on the type of Aptamil.



Mixed feeding is a method of feeding that makes breastfeeding flexible. Although breastfeeding a baby is the best so far if your baby is still not being fed well with both methods. Consult your paediatrician for help.

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