Toddler Conflicts: Are You Resolving Conflict the Right Way?


Despite best efforts, conflict is an inevitable part of life. Helping your kids develop effective conflict management skills will also enable them to form more satisfying friendships and have more positive social interactions, both inside and outside of your home. 


Of course, a child's age, developmental stage, and life experiences all have an impact on how well they can handle conflict. Giving kids of all ages the techniques listed below will improve their ability to handle conflict and make good friends. Teaching kids how to identify, comprehend, and control their feelings of rage and frustration is a key component of conflict resolution.



Five Tips to Encourage Your Child to Manage Conflict and Be a Good Toddler


With these five strategies for handling conflicts, you can help your child find the keys to a long-lasting friendship.


Tip #1: Communicate and Listen


Aid your child in appreciating the value of using words and being diplomatic to resolve disputes. Work with them to create the sentence "Let's talk about this and find a way to work together" so they can use it with a friend or sibling. Another important skill to develop is the ability to express their thoughts and desires without placing blame or putting too much emphasis on the origin of the conflict.


Another crucial skill is listening effectively. It can be challenging to teach children to listen to one another, particularly when they are young or emotionally distressed.


Trying to talk them through a problem when they are tired or upset frequently doesn't work well. When this happens, it is often best to wait until your child is calm before using any constructive conflict resolution techniques.


Tip #2: Work Together to Solve The Problem


Even though it might be tempting to instruct your child or children to sit in a corner and reflect on what they have done before. It might not be the best course of action.


Children more often than not require assistance navigating the process of jointly brainstorming alternative approaches. It'll enable them to come up with a solution that pleases everyone.  For young kids, keep the choices available small and simple. For older kids, try to convince them that each person has the right to be listened to and that absolutely no idea is a foolish idea.



Tip #3: Promote Equity


Discuss the advantages of kindness, fairness, and sharing with kids daily. Train them to do it as frequently as you can, and encourage them verbally by praising them for their good deeds.


While it can be challenging for young children to understand why they must "take turns," they are frequently more open to sharing when encouraged to allow the other child to have a turn after they are finished. 


It thus provides the kid with an understanding of responsibility for the situation and the act of sharing, rather than making them feel like they are being told to do it by an adult or peer.


Tip #4: Encourage your Kids to Say "I'm sorry."


Although it may be challenging, kids must understand the value of expressing a "sincere apology." Encourage kids to offer an apology. Make sure they understand the need to express apologies to mend and develop their interpersonal connections. 


If they aren't quite ready, they can write their thoughts down first. They might express their remorse in writing. What matters is that they are acknowledging their mistakes and vowing to make amends going forward.


Tip #5: Observe and Take Note of Their Progress


Follow up to see if the remedy you came up with is effective. After the dispute has been settled, watch the kids' interactions. Even if they require a lengthy break, they must politely communicate with one another. 


If they have been able to rebuild their connection, it might be beneficial to organize frequent playdates to support their relationship and provide them additional chances to develop their social skills in a bigger group. 



A child's growth needs to promote appropriate conflict resolution practices; thus, parents are constantly encouraged to handle such situations properly.


We hope these tips will help lessen the anxiety and stress you experience when you have to yell at your toddlers for acting tough following a quarrel or dispute with their friends or siblings.


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