My baby boy strains a lot when pooing only to pass out a poo that is like draw soup. He's 7months on September 26th. I did exclusive six months. I sta
And in addition the fiso gold baby food contain milk why are you adding Aptamilk again to his meal??? That might b d cost of d stooling
Dr. Dara Abiodun

Medical Doctor

Please note that it is not unusual for babies to strain when they want to poo. Please make sure you prepare the baby's formula in the appropriate proportion specified by the manufacturer. Also, maintain proper hygiene while making the food and feeding the baby and watch what you give the baby. if the mucus persists. kindly see a doctor. The number of times does not matter as long as the stools are normal stools. On the baby's weight: the weight is okay. No cause for alarm. It is expected that baby should double the birth weight at 6months. Continue to feed the baby with a balanced diet