How to prepare for pregnancy in 30 days after 30

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Estimated reading time: 3 min

Days 1-7

Day 1: Stop Birth Control

Get off birth control if you want to get pregnant right away because when your period starts, so does your first cycle of trying to conceive.

Day 2: Start a Multivitamin

Give yourself a better chance of getting pregnant by taking multivitamins or prenatal vitamins.

Day 3: Add Folic Acid

In addition to your prenatal vitamin, you might need an extra folic acid or folate supplement to prevent neural tube defects during early pregnancy.

Day 4: Eat Well

You can also get many of the vitamins and minerals you need from eating a healthy, balanced diet. Enjoy whole foods over anything processed.

Day 5: Exercise

Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate activity for a total of 150 minutes each week.

Day 6: Get a Physical examination

Keeping up with yearly physicals will help catch health problems before they become severe.

Day 7: Check Vaccinations

Get caught up on any vaccinations that may have lapsed (tetanus, rubella, etc.). Vaccinations can help keep both you and your baby healthy and protected.

Days 8-15

Day 8: Schedule a Preconception Visit

Schedule a special preconception visit with your obstetrician. Some of the areas of this examination may overlap with your physical, so be sure to bring any specific reproductive questions you may have.

Day 9: Track Your Cycle

Whether you’ve been on birth control or not, now’s the time to get intimate with your menstrual cycle. Narrowing down the window of when you’re most fertile will help you get pregnant faster.

Day 10: Limit Toxin Exposure

High amounts of toxic exposure can be dangerous for a developing baby. Try to lower your exposure to common toxins.

Day 11: Practice Stress Relief

Establishing good stress relief outlets now will help you during pregnancy and in the hectic first year of your baby’s life.

Day 12: Try Yoga

Yoga has a number of benefits for your fertility. Taking on a regular yoga practice may help with your emotions and anxiety related to the conception process.

Day 13: Visit the Dentist

While you’re getting all your checkups done, it’s best to stop in to have your teeth looked at, too.

Day 14: Quit Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs

Smoking, using drugs, and drinking alcohol can harm an unborn baby in a number of ways. Smoking exposes your baby to harmful chemicals, restricts blood flow, and may even cause preterm labour.

Drinking puts the baby at risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Using drugs (heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, etc.) is not only illegal, but it also may cause birth defects, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

Day 15: Have Sex

Have it often and for fun. Be spontaneous and passionate.

Days 16-23

Day 16: Reach Your Healthy Weight

Know your body mass index (BMI)

Day 17: Gather Family Medical History

Your baby’s health will also be influenced by genetic factors that have roots in your family tree. Before you get pregnant, you may want to ask your partner, parents or other relatives if there are any genetic conditions that run in your bloodline.

Day 18: Discuss Prescriptions

Make sure your doctor knows that you’re trying to conceive so they can take a look at your prescriptions, medications, or any other supplements you might be taking. Some of these medicines may not be safe during pregnancy.

Day 19: Find Help for Domestic Violence

Day 20: Get Good Sleep

Day 21: Limit Caffeine

Day 22: Guzzle Water

Day 23: Learn How Conception Works

Days 24-30

Day 24: Have your partner Checked Out

Though much of a healthy pregnancy has to do with the woman, it’s a good idea for your guy to get checked out, too. Around 30 per cent of infertility cases can be traced back to male factors.

Make sure he:

schedules a physical
eats well
stops smoking and taking other drugs
limits alcohol
Day 25: Boost Your Immune System
During pregnancy, you’re more susceptible to colds, the flu, and other illnesses. Give your immune system some extra help by eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, getting vitamin C, and resting.

Day 26: Learn the Do’s and Don’ts

Day 27: Walk Around

Day 28: Do all with care and caution

Day 29: Get an insurance coverage

Day 30: Communicate with your healthcare provider

After all these we wait for the Bump.

Resource from Healthline.

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