Symptoms associated with every stage of pregnancy and prevention tips

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Signs and symptoms Timeline(from the missed period) Tips
mild cramping and spotting week 1 to 4 It last less than three days Doesn’t require treatment
Avoid smoking

Avoid drinking alcohol or using illicit drugs

missed period week 4 Take a pregnancy test
If positive schedule your first prenatal appointment.
If you’re on any medications, confirm whether they pose any risk to your growing baby
fatigue week 4 or 5 drink more water

exercise cautiously

Sleep well

Keep bedroom cool

nausea week 4 to 6 Eat saltine crackers in the morning
tingling or aching breasts week 4 to 6 Purchase a comfortable, supportive maternity bra

Purchase breast pads that fit

frequent urination week 4 to 6 Drink about 300 mL

Plan bathroom trips

bloating week 4 to 6 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
high blood pressure week 8 Switch to pregnancy-friendly exercises
Track your blood pressure regularly.
Ask about personal dietary guidelines to help reduce blood pressure.
Drink enough water

Snack regularly to help to prevent dizziness

Stand up slowly when getting up from a chairs

extreme fatigue and heartburn week 9 Eat several small meals a day instead of larger ones.
Sit upright for at least an hour to allow your food more time to digest.
faster heartbeat week 8 to 10 Rest well

Reduce rigorous exercises

breast and nipple changes week 11 Get breast pads


  1. Healthline. Early Pregnancy. Accessed on 26th September 2018. 
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