Getting Pregnant with Clomid

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Clomid, or clomiphene citrate, to give it its generic name, is a drug that has been used for many years in infertility treatment. Taken in pill form at a specific point in your cycle, Clomid’s plays a primary role of inducing ovulation in women who are either not ovulating or ovulating irregularly. Statistics have shown that between 70 and 80 per cent of women taking Clomid ovulate during their first treatment cycle.

Will Clomid work in the First Month?

The odds of conceiving during any one Clomid treatment cycle are between seven and 30 per cent. The effectiveness of Clomid varies depending on the cause of infertility though those with no fertility problems have about a 25 per cent chance of getting pregnant in any given month.

How does Clomid work?

It blocks the action of oestrogen, tricking the body into boosting the levels of two other hormones that control ovulation, and so kick-starting your ovaries. Hurrah! The first, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) controls the ripening of eggs in the ovary and the second, luteinising hormone (LH) triggers its release into the fallopian tubes.

Most women are advised to take the drug for five days near the start of their cycle. It can lead to more than one egg being released in a cycle and around 5 to 10% of women on Clomid conceive twins or, in rare cases, more.

Does Clomid have side effects?

It can cause blurred vision, hot flushes, mood swings, abdominal pain, heavy periods, weight gain, spots and breast tenderness.


  1. Verywellfamily. Clomid Treatment. Accessed on 12th September 2018.
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