Signs of Ovulation

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During ovulation, hormonal shifts can affect the entire body, various changes might happen in your body – including breast tenderness, moodiness or headaches. If you can learn to recognize the common signs of ovulation listed below, it could help you predict when ovulation is likely to occur.

Common signs of Ovulation

Cervical mucus changes

Your body produces more estrogen, causing cervical mucus to become stretchy and clear, like egg white, which helps sperm swim to the egg that’s released during ovulation.

A heightened sense of smell

In this fertile phase, your body is primed to be more attracted to the male pheromone androstenone.

Breast soreness or tenderness

Breast and nipple sensitivity, tenderness or soreness can be another sign of ovulation.

Mild pelvic or lower abdominal pain

Some women can actually feel ovulation as a mild ache or pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side or the other.

Changes in the cervix

During ovulation, your cervix may become higher, softer and more open.

Other changes; 

  • Libido changes
  •  Light spotting or discharge
  • Change in Basal Body Temperature
  • Abdominal blotting


  1. American pregnancy. Signs of Ovulation. Accessed on 17th October 2018
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