Ovulation and Irregular periods

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Research has shown that irregular or abnormal ovulation accounts for 30% to 40% of all cases of infertility. Having irregular periods, no periods, or abnormal bleeding often indicates that you are not ovulating.

How can irregular periods and ovulation be treated?

Irregular ovulation can be treated with fertility drugs.

How can I Get Pregnant With Ovulation Problems?

After other medical conditions interfering with ovulation has been sorted your specialist may prescribe fertility drugs to stimulate your ovulation. Usually, a drug that contains Clomid and Serophene (clomiphene) is often prescribed to women.

Read more on Clomid.

Can other drugs be prescibed for irregular periods?

Depending on the situation, your doctor may also suggest other fertility drugs such as Gonal-F or other injectable hormones that stimulate follicles and stimulate egg development in the ovaries.

Are you experiencing painful ovulation?

Though many women will feel ovulation pain but when the pain becomes acute, severe, stabbing or debilitating then it is not normal. Read more on Ovulation pain here.


  1. WebMD. Infertility. Accessed on 15th September 2018
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