Preparing your body for pregnancy

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This article was written especially for you. Congratulations on this new decision you’ve made, we are here to guide you as you’ve decided to take the bold step into parenthood.

Truth be told, to give yourself the best chance for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, there are some important things you need to do before you head down the road to conception.

We’ve made a list for you. Make sure you pen them down in your checklist and tick off once done.

Schedule a preconception visit

Consider genetic carrier screening

Take folic acid (and watch out for vitamin A)

Give up binge drinking, smoking, and drugs

Stock your fridge with healthy foods during pregnancy.

Aim for a healthy weight

Pay attention to the fish you eat

Create and follow an exercise program

Consider money matters

Consider your mental health

Avoid infections

Reduce environmental risks

Think your decision through

Chart your ovulation

Dispose of your birth control


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