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Good morning mums and Doctors in the house,I feel like deleting this application but at the same time wanted to be here with you.Am seriously sad now,This is my sixth year of TTC,I did IVF in 2014 and it failed,this year I went for it and it successful and I got pregnant but just miscarried it after 14weeks plus.My water just broke without doing anything. Note:I have been on complete bed rest since.please doctors water is the cause of weakness of the cervix because after the evacuation the Doctor said my cervix is weak.Please, mothers,pray for me that God should open my womb that l should conceive naturally that before this time next year l should carry my Babies.
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Amen.Thanks all
Precious Chukwuma
Madam I use the pregnant mum's in our MIDs as a point of contact to you may God whom have not changed for ages bless you with the fruit of the womb in Jesus name amen
We join our faith with us d Good Lord that made us mothers will remember u ..I.J.N...just have faith
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