Going through pregnancy, labour, and successful delivery is one of Life’s blessings. An exciting and memorable day of your life that you won’t forget in a hurry. Now that you're ready to go home and begin life with your baby, taking care of your beautiful baby with utmost hygiene is very key so that he/she does not fall ill.
This is very important because the immune systems of infants are not quite developed until 3- 4 months of birth, this implies babies are naturally prone to infections. This is why keeping your house germs free should be of utmost importance to you and your family.
Here are 7 simple and important guides for caring for your newborn baby.
- Wash your hands often.
Germs are easily transmitted through the hands. Always wash your hands with soap like Dettol antibacterial soap multiple times during the day. Wash your hands before you prepare the baby’s formula, give the baby a bath, handle the sippy cup or teething ring, and even when dressing or changing the baby. Wash all of the baby's things in detergent and let them air dry before use.
- Strangers shouldn’t keep contact
Because Infants are vulnerable and their immune system becomes stronger and matures with age. It’s important to keep your babies away from touches and even kisses. Some Adults sometimes may have cold sores around their lips and kissing can transmit the virus-like herpes simplex virus or HSV to your baby Also, avoid taking infants to crowded spaces full of people, and avoid having too many visitors during the baby’s first month of life.
- Breastfeed Exclusively
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of birth. This is because Breast milk contains many all necessary nutrients that support your baby's immune system. These include proteins, fats, sugars, enzymes, white blood cells and antibodies and probiotics. When your baby comes in contact with germs, these substances protect your baby against a wide variety of diseases and infections.
- Keep away if you’re unwell
If you catch a cold, it's equally easy to pass it on to your baby. It is best to keep away from your baby if you have a fever or a runny nose. If you must handle the baby (for feeding or changing), wear latex gloves and don a clean set of clothes before picking up the child.
- Store baby’s diapers in a dry place
All items that are left undisturbed for some period of time will attract mould and fungal growth. These can cause skin irritation for your baby. Always buy sealable diaper packets and keep naphthalene balls or silica gel packets in the diaper drawer to absorb moisture. Keep wipes, talcum powder and a changing flannel in the same drawer, so that you can change the baby quickly.
- Disinfecting the house
Newborn care also includes keeping the house unconditionally clean. Apart from flies and mosquitoes flying in and spreading diseases, your house might attract cockroaches, germs, fungal and bacterial infections. Clean all plastic, metal and glass surfaces with a solution of Dettol Antiseptic Liquid. Mopping the floors with Dettol Antiseptic Liquid on spills will keep germs and bacterial infections at bay. Focus your energies on keeping the kitchen, bathroom and wash basin clean and free of germs. Also, get your house fumigated to keep flies and other insects away.
- Be careful with baby’s clothes - You wash your hands before handling the baby and put several hygiene checks in place to keep your house clean. It is prudent to exercise similar precautions with the baby’s clothes and toys as well. The baby’s clothes should not be washed with the rest of your laundry load. Wash the baby’s clothes and intimates separately with fabric softener and mild detergent. Air dry all the clothes and accessories, and steam dries any metal or rubber implements or toys. Also, even if your baby wears diapers and there is minimal chance of bedwetting, do change the baby’s bedding every two days to keep germs away.
Article culled from; https://www.dettol.com.ng/your-family/newborn-care/caring-for-your-newborn/