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Can a pregnant mom eat Pawpaw?My grandmom says that eating pawpaw is dangerous for my pregnancy. Moms, Is this correct?
Yes, you can. All the best in your pregnancy journey
Hospital in Abuja to deliverPls I need help with hospitals in Abuja preferably around Mpape/Maitama to give birth/antenatal.

I don't want government hospit...
Can I take zobo while pregnant?
PregnancyAlmost a month now yet no sign of period and pregnancy test says negative
How to calculate ovulationDear sir/ma,
Please assist me to calculate my ovulation
Hi Mama,
Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 14 days before your next period starts. Count back 14 days from the day you expect your next period.

To make things easier for you, read below mama.

Use Babymigo Ovulation Calculator to know your next expected ovulation window.
Pregnancy healthI salivate a lot and to help me with that I lick a lot of sweet (buttermint to be precise)
Please I will like to know if this can...
This will not affect your Growing fetus. However please ensure the sweet intake is in moderation.

Incorporate more healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet with more fruits and vegetables. Taking regulars sips of water also helps with the salivation.
PregnancyAm pregnant and still seeing blood
This 4 month now
Have tried use some drugs to stop it but no way
Drugs like duphaston tablet...
Please i need an advise ?
Can a pregnant woman start taking her routine drug's from the first month of pregnancy?
For your safety and that of your unborn child, you need to see your doctor before taking any medication.
Trying to vonceive
I have followed my ovulation calenders but no fertilization
PregnancyCan you detect a week pregnancy with urine test?
Blood test is sure because HCG hormone will be present to detect than urine
What are the characteristics of a pregnant girl
I started having white discharge when I young till now what could it be
I us...
Nyasha, if I get this question right, you want to know what the symptoms of pregnancy are and specifically if whitish discharge is part of the symptoms.

There are lots of signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy and these varies with individuals.
The common and general ones are nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, increased frequency of urination, fatigue, food cravings and aversions , heartburn, bloatedness et al.

Among the symptoms is the vaginal discharge which could range from white to milky and slightly yellowish in color. They are as a result of the pregnancy hormones circulating your body.

If uou don't feel comfortable with it (there's actually nothing you can do ?) you can regularly wash up and or use a light sanitary pad to help absorb the discharges.

Be fine, I wish you a safe pregnancy and delivery.
Can a pregnant woman still continue with breastfeeding? if yes then for how long?
Yes ma’am. As long as you are up to it and able to keep up with the caloric requirement/demand of the new pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Is it possible for a foetus to eat hair while in the womb?
Pure myth.
Babies can not eat hair while in the womb.
Please can a nursing mom get pregnant with EBF?
Yes, you can
FansidarI’m 33 weeks 5 days and doctor recommended fansidar to prevent malaria.. please is it safe ?
Yes, it is safe
Please how do I conceive a baby boy.
A skillful chart with your calendar,and experienced personnel will guide u
Please what are the causes of swollen leg in pregnancy for someone in the last trimester?
It should be discussed with the obstetrician at antenatal care.
I took nsala and there uda,utazi, pizza inside and am 11 weeks pregnant. Although I didnt drink it much
Some moms have expressed concern about eating Nsala while pregnant. My advice is to take any food in moderation. Too much of anything is bad.

Wishing you a stress free pregnancy
When am I supposed to get pregnantI had sex two days after my period and I had sex on my ovulation day with two different men is it possible to get pregnant two day...
Yes but it might take up to 4-5 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period to determine. I suggest you do a blood test to be sure as the hcg level needs to be high enough for a urine test.
MultivitaminsMy question is can I use pregnacare tablet alongside my other haematinics which I've been using before ( ferobin plus, folic acid...
I don’t think you need pregnacare with those drugs as long as they’re prescribed and you’re taking the right dosage, you should also consult with your gyne just to be sure.