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Ndifreke Ukpong
If you're breastfeeding, your pediatrician may advise you to nurse your baby more often or take other measures to boost your supply. They may also instruct you to supplement with formula or begin (or increase) solid foods. Parents of formula-fed babies may also be instructed to add more feedings or finger foods.
Is this the answer sir/ma?
Macrocephaly is the term for an unusually large head. An infant with macrocephaly will have a larger head than most other infants of the same age and sex. In many cases, this condition is benign or harmless. In other cases, it may indicate an underlying medical condition, such as a genetic syndrome or a brain tumor.
Please do not use Agbo (herbs) for your baby. Your doctor can easily prescribe certain medications for your baby. Take your baby to the hospital
Yes, you can. All the best in your pregnancy journey
It is, but you have to make sure the production process is hygenic and like everything in life. Too much of everything is bad
Does he eat well at night? Have you ruled out hunger, thirst, wet diaper, insect sting, mosquitoes bites etc... COMMON THINGS OCCUR COMMONLY"
If after ruling out these the baby still cries please see a doctor.
If after ruling out these the baby still cries please see a doctor.
Kindly take your child to the hospital for physical examination and proper diagnosis. Request to see an opthalmologist.
Kindly take the baby to see a Paediatrician or Opthalmologist who will do an eye swab and culture.
Lymph nodes are normal structures or part of the body... They do not require any treatment except if infected. In which case they will be big and red… Warm and painful to touch.... Then the child may require antibiotics. Most times lymph nodes enlargement are signs of problems in other area of the body which the lymph nodes serve
No, it is not advisable for breastfeeding mothers especially if it makes the child fuzzy
You need to see a paediatrician for evaluation and management.
Possible cause in this case may be one of d followings
1. Fear and anxiety: if a child is always shouted down and scolded when s/he speaks this may lead to d child having a poor self image, loss of confidence in self they by affecting the child's normal speech pattern. As a result a child may begin to stutter or go mute.
2. Imitation: is there an adult or child they like so much who stutters? Parent should try and observe d child in order to address the reason for the stuttering.
What to do
1. Find out and address the cause of stuttering
2. Build on the child's self perception and confidence. Let him know they are cool the way they are without stuttering
3. Notice times d child didn't stutter and reinforce the child 4 d clear sentence or statement
4. When stuttering, touch ur child on his shoulder calmly n slightly and ask the child to speak slowly and calmly that you are listening.
5. Encourage ur location child speak slowly rather than rush through words
If stuttering persists after doing all you can pls see a speech pathologist/therapist
1. Fear and anxiety: if a child is always shouted down and scolded when s/he speaks this may lead to d child having a poor self image, loss of confidence in self they by affecting the child's normal speech pattern. As a result a child may begin to stutter or go mute.
2. Imitation: is there an adult or child they like so much who stutters? Parent should try and observe d child in order to address the reason for the stuttering.
What to do
1. Find out and address the cause of stuttering
2. Build on the child's self perception and confidence. Let him know they are cool the way they are without stuttering
3. Notice times d child didn't stutter and reinforce the child 4 d clear sentence or statement
4. When stuttering, touch ur child on his shoulder calmly n slightly and ask the child to speak slowly and calmly that you are listening.
5. Encourage ur location child speak slowly rather than rush through words
If stuttering persists after doing all you can pls see a speech pathologist/therapist
You ou need to take your baby to the hospital to see a dentist for evaluation to know what is causing the swollen gums.
Your baby is too young and might choke on bread. Please soak the bread in water or any age appropriate beverage before giving your baby.
It will resolve. You may want to take painkillers if painful and see your doctor. Wear firm bras as well.
Its not advisable, if there is anything there it will come out as the child is breathing in and out, the mouth is full of bacteria ,you may end up doing the child more harm than good. You can do steam inhalation or use of saline nasal drop may just be okay
The commonest cause/source of all these boils for babies is from HANDS OF ADULTS that carry babies. Especially in Nigeria, we do not wash our hands routinely and yet everyone will just carry babies with their unwashed hands full of staph!!! The bacteria in your hands will not hurt you but for a baby whose immunity is just maturing, it can cause all these soft tissue and skin infection. I used to tell my mums when going home, only mum and one other assistant who washes her hands frequently should be allowed to carry and touch babies!!! Every other person coming to visit should be requested to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer BEFORE touching babies before they transfer germs to the new baby. Since that may not be culturally correct, better to keep baby in cot zipped so they can just see than for every one carrying baby and introducing germs
Vaginal discharge is a normal phenomenon in babies. It is due to the effect of the maternal hormones still circulating in the body of the baby.
Do not try to drop anything into the vagina, just wash the external surface (vulva) like the rest of the body. The discharge will wear off on it's own
Do not try to drop anything into the vagina, just wash the external surface (vulva) like the rest of the body. The discharge will wear off on it's own
It is not normal. Your baby may be having Bacterial Conjunctivitis. Apply hygiene: clean the eye with soft tissue or wipes n discard; wash hands well with soap n clean water. Pls see an Optometrist near you for proper evaluation and treatment.