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Good day mothers and doctors in the house. I joined this platform yesterday and this is my first post. My daughter is 9months, 3weeks. She takes only rice base cereals and milk. I've tried to introduce her to other foods like boiled egg, fish, carrot pureed, etc but she won't eat them. Please, how do I get her to eat other foods.
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Mummy David
If you both eat at the same time,it will stimulate her to you are eating urs,do ur face as if its sooo tasty. U take one spoon,gv her one spoon on&on like that. Be on the look out fr what she likes& what she spits out. Stick to the things she spits out,dont force her or stress yourself to gv her wat she spits out. (Even adults dont eat just evety n anything no matter how nutritious). You may need to try the same set of foods three times bfr establishing what she likes & what she doesnt.
I've tried the okra and swallow, she didn't take it. Thank you very much. I will try the egg yolk and pap.
Mummy David
@Karis, you're welcome ma'am
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