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My heart bleeds, I can't sleep at all cos am all worked up and dying of fear cos I don't know how it will go, but I believe God to change everything for my good. Went for BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE for my unborn baby yesterday due to a previous STILLBIRTH & C-SECTION for my second child, was TLD by the doc that every other result came out fine except for the heart beat which is not normal maybe cos my baby was napping at the time of the monitoring and was asked to repeat the scan 2morrow, been today morning. Am walked up cos am a VBAC candidate and if I don't pass the score's then I don't know what else to do but I believe God for a change cos I have literally cried and prayed my eyes out. SOMEBODY PLS PRAY FOR ME AND BEG GOD ON MY BEHAVE PLS, I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY DATS ALL. TNX
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Rita Nneoma Uchenna
Tnx a lot beautiful and wonderful mummies. God is indeed God o, I will definitely bring my good news fort amen.
Omolbaby GodsOwn
The Lord will perfect all that Co Vern's ur baby's health. Just ave faith. It is well
Best Chikezie
your baby will be fine in Jesus name AMEN
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