How To Get Your Picky Eater To Eat



Parenting can be a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when feeding a picky eater. The constant battles at mealtimes and the constant worry over whether your child is getting enough nutrients are enough to make any parent feel overwhelmed. 


But what if there was a solution to ease the stress of feeding your fussy eater? That would be a game-changer for you, right?


Well, guess what? The solution you've been searching for is right here in this article. Read till the end to discover how you can have happier mealtimes with your picky eater.


Making mealtimes enjoyable for your picky eater is more about getting creative and staying flexible and I am glad to let you know that with Jadens Natural Cereals, the fun never stops!


Ways to help your picky eater eat and how Jadens Natural Cereals help:

  1. Get creative:

Dealing with picky eaters needs you to explore and experiment. It would be best to make food look appealing and fun for your little one with various options and Jadens Natural Cereals makes it simple for you. 


You can serve up a variety of healthy and nutritious meals for your little one with Jadens. From puddings served with fruits or yoghurt to swallows served with delicious soups, pancakes, smoothies, or waffles, the options are endless. Plus, you can get creative with nutritious snacks like muffins and more; all using Jadens Natural Cereals. 


With Jadens Cereals you are not limited with your choices, what you get are fun and easy ways to keep your little one happy and well-fed. Head over to jadensbyaugustsecrets on Instagram for mouthwatering Jadens creative recipes.



  2. Study your child to know their flavour / taste preference:

With Jadens there is a flavor to suit every preference. From the tarty taste of Mixagrain to the sweet taste of Fruitamil, to the mild and comforting taste of Nuttymeal and the delightful crunch of Fussypops, your little one is sure to find a favourite in our line-up that you can always build on to expand their food options. 





  1. Be patient:

Encourage your child to try new foods, but do so gently and without force. When reintroducing a food your child didn't enjoy before, it's important to approach it without dwelling on past experiences or any lingering expectations. Encourage them to taste it again without any pressure or preconceived notions. With time and repeated exposure, they may develop a taste for it.


Cheers to mealtime success! 

Let us raise healthier children and families together. 


This article is brought to you by Babymigo in partnership with AugustSecrets.


About AugustSecrets

AugustSecrets Nigeria Ltd is a foremost fast-growing child nutrition brand on a mission to help parents raise healthier children and families with homegrown solutions; in this case, African superfoods.


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