Is Egusi Soup Safe For Pregnant Women?


As a pregnant woman, pregnancy cravings can be a little intimidating and unsettling to try new foods. This article will discuss the health benefits of egusi soup for expectant mothers and whether it is safe to consume during pregnancy. 



What is egusi soup?


Egusi soup is a popular Nigerian soup made from "egusi," a local term for melon seeds. These seeds are high in fat and protein and include a variety of nutrients, which contributes to their use in various culinary possibilities. 



Egusi is typically obtained after the melon seeds have been removed and air-dried. The yellowish shell is removed, and the flesh is frequently mixed or mashed into a powder or paste. Egusi soup has various components like water, red oil, crayfish, vegetables, spice cubes, fish, pepper, and salt. 





The nutritional components of egusi soup


Egusi soup has several nutritional components, making it a very nutritious meal.



Dietary fiber: Egusi soup comprises about 2.7% dietary fiber, which is known to help normalize bowel movements, thereby reducing constipation and aiding in a healthier weight. 



Protein: Egusi soup contains about 28.4% protein, which helps build up body tissues and plays a major role in producing enzymes, hormones, and other substances necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.



Carbohydrate: Egusi soup contains carbohydrates, which help ensure you carry out essential activities of your body effectively. 



Is it safe for a pregnant woman to eat egusi soup?


It is safe for pregnant women to eat egusi soup. If you notice you're allergic to melon seeds or any of the ingredients used in cooking, consult your medical doctor for proper guidance. 



Health benefits of egusi soup during pregnancy


Some of the health benefits of egusi soup during pregnancy include:


The vitamin É found in egusi seeds significantly enhances the general health of your skin by lowering dry skin problems and other skin issues. 


Egusi seeds contain vitamins B1 and B2, which can enhance your appetite during pregnancy. However, because it regulates bowel motions, dietary fiber is excellent in reducing constipation during pregnancy. 


Egusi is an excellent source of calcium, iron, and other minerals necessary for a robust immune system. 


The fatty acids in egusi soup contribute to lowering blood cholesterol levels. Since high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, eating egusi soup may help lower heart disease risk.



Are there any side effects of egusi soup during pregnancy?


Eating egusi soup during pregnancy has no side effects. However, it may have benefits for both mother and baby. It becomes unsafe in cases where you do not wash the ingredients properly or in cases of allergic reactions. 



Egusi soup is a palatable soup best served with various forms of swallow, ranging from fufu to pounded yam. As an expecting mum, you do not need to be scared to eat this sweet and nutritious soup, especially if you aren't allergic to its ingredients. 



Frequently Asked Questions  (Frequently Asked Questions)


  • Why is egusi called a good fat?

Melon seeds contain no cholesterol. Instead, they contain phytosterols, a plant-derived cholesterol derivative helpful in reducing the body's levels of "bad" cholesterol. 


  • Is egusi soup safe for a pregnant woman?

Egusi soup is safe for a pregnant woman and possesses many health benefits which may help your pregnancy.


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