Where To Do Genetic Testing in Nigeria?

Genetic testing is one of the most crucial tests for protecting against health issues and defects. Follow along as we outline the benefits of getting a genetic test and where to get one in Nigeria.


What is genetic testing?


Genetic testing is a medical test that examines a person's DNA to look for changes or variations in their genes. These tests can assist in identifying genetic mutations that may increase the risk of certain health conditions, diagnosing genetic disorders, or determining whether a person is a carrier for a specific genetic disease. 


Blood tests, cheek swabs, and saliva samples are all options used for genetic testing. Genetic testing results can provide valuable information about a person's health and insights into their family history and potential risks for future health problems. 


However, it is essential to note that genetic testing is not mandatory because various factors influence it ranging from age to family background.


There are various forms of genetic testing; they are: 

  •  Diagnostic genetic testing: It focuses on identifying genetic mutations in people who have symptoms.
  •  Predictive genetic testing: It focuses on people with no symptoms but a family history of defects.
  • Prenatal testing: Prenatal testing identifies genetic changes or abnormalities before a baby is born.
  • Carrier testing: Carrier testing determines if an individual is a carrier of a specific condition.


Benefits of genetic testing


There are several potential benefits of genetic testing:


  1. Customised healthcare: Genetic testing can reveal a person's genetic profile, enabling medical professionals to create a personalised care plan that considers their particular hereditary risks and needs.
  1.  Early identification and prevention: Genetic testing can reveal gene alterations that raise the likelihood that particular disorders or diseases will manifest. With the help of this knowledge, healthcare professionals can take proactive steps to prevent or identify the problem at an early stage, when therapy is most successful.
  1. Reproductive planning: Genetic testing can help individuals or couples determine their risk of transferring genetic problems to their offspring. People can use this information to inform decisions about having children, such as whether to adopt, use in vitro fertilisation using preimplantation genetic screening, or have children naturally.
  1. Family planning: Genetic testing can assist people and families in determining their risk of contracting specific diseases, enabling them to make more informed family planning decisions and take precautions to lower their risk.
  1. Better diagnosis and treatment: Genetic testing can give medical professionals critical information to help diagnose and treat some ailments, such as cancer or uncommon genetic abnormalities.

It's important to remember that while genetic testing has many potential advantages, it has some challenges and limitations. 


Genetic testing results, for example, can be complex and challenging to decipher, and there is always the possibility of receiving false-positive or false-negative results.


Furthermore, genetic testing can have psychological and emotional consequences, as some people may experience anxiety, guilt, or uncertainty about their genetic risks or family history. 


As a result, before deciding to undergo genetic testing, discussing the potential benefits and risks with a healthcare provider is critical.


Where can I get genetic testing done in Nigeria?


Several medical facilities in Nigeria offer genetic testing services. Some of the major hospitals and clinics that offer genetic testing services include:


  • National Hospital Abuja
  • Lagos University Teaching Hospital
  • University College Hospital Ibadan
  • The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research
  • Medbury Medical Services

It's crucial to remember that genetic testing is a challenging procedure requiring specific tools and knowledge. Selecting a reputable facility with knowledgeable healthcare staff who can walk you through the procedure and assist you in interpreting the results is therefore crucial.


Discussing genetic testing with your healthcare physician about the potential advantages and disadvantages will help you decide if it's the best course of action for you.


Also, the price of genetic testing in Nigeria can vary depending on the test and the hospital.


Genetic testing often costs tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of naira. The difficulty of the test, the number of genes under evaluation, and the type of laboratory test procedure being utilised are a few variables that can affect the price of genetic testing.


Make sure you carry out the test in a reputable facility. Also, carry speak with your doctor about the pros and cons. 

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