Becoming a parent has been one of the most amazing things to happen to me. From the minute my baby was born, the love I felt for her was indescribable and I just knew I was going to move mountains for this little girl. When I was prepping to become a mom, I read several books, took an all day baby class, watched some online tutorials and started following a few recommended mom influencers on social media. I knew my life was going to change. I thought I was emotionally capable of not losing myself and my hard-earned independence to motherhood. I was wrong.
I remember telling friends and co-workers we would still get together for happy hours and dinners but that I would have my baby in tow, or she would be at home with her dad. Every mom, deserves her much needed “me” time, and I was certain I was going to get that. Some would laugh and tell me those days are long gone, that becoming a parent sucks the life out of you and they would see me more when she was five and starting school. I would smile and laugh and brush it off because I was bent on keeping my identity and crushing the mom game. Having a baby could really change your life.
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