Dr. Ngo Iyagba graduated from University of Ibadan with an M.B.B.S in 1976 and obtained a fellowship from University of Lagos Teaching Hospital in 1987. Formerly lecturer at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, she is a Fellow of West Africa College of Surgeons (FWACS 1997), Fellow of Nigeria College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FMACO 1987).
Dr. Ngo Iyagba is currently Medical Director/Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist at the Ultimate Charry Medical Center which is one of the leading gynaecological medical centers in Nigeria. She has a number of articles in her area of specialization. She is also a member of Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON), member of Nigeria Medical Association and member of Nigeria Women Medical Association.