Kids' Court School
Surulere, LagosAverage rating: 3 of 5 based on 2 users
Kids' Court Montessori School is a family-oriented pre-school for children between the ages of 3 months and 6years. The school is divided into the Creche(3months-18months), Toddler Class(18months- 3years)and the Nursery (3 years- 6years). The School provides the best Early Childhood Education based on Montessori Teaching Method, which will help young children develop within themselves an excellent firm foundation for future learning.
Kids' Court Montessori is dedicated to providing a unique, pleasant, attractive and safe environment where the desire to learn is instilled in the child and materials are provided to feed this desire whilst assisting in the development of self-assurance, inner discipline and the achievement of his/her full potential academically, emotionally and socially.