Our school environment is deliberately designed to ensure that the children feel confident and comfortable. They have opportunities to share their views and opinions about what they are doing and what matters to them. The children have homework time built into their curriculum.
We involve the child in designing the activities they would like to do weekly. Some of these activities include: baking, board games, arts and crafts, karaoke, make believe, invention, dance and music and creative play.
Attending school is the beginning of a new phase in every child’s life and it is important for us to listen to the children and get an understanding of how they are enjoying their new environment. We understand that parents are the primary caregivers for their children and as secondary caregivers, if we hear something ‘in the moment’ from a child it is imperative that this is passed on to the parent daily for the parent to bring it up and discuss it with their child. We believe that honest and open communication is the only way to build a responsible working relationship between caregivers and parents.
Play is important to all children. It is important for their learning and development. When they play, they use their body, their mind, their feelings, and their senses. We give them opportunities to develop their play. We watch how they play, and see how we can support them. Like the other rooms, this room also has different areas to allow the children to experiment and explore and make the room their own. There is the book corner, home area, dress-up, easel, sand and water area, construction area and tabletop activities. The curriculum is child centered and the observation and reviewing are done in a holistic manner.