Can a poor sucktion at birth cause catarrh in a child?
They are many causes of coughs, colds and catarrh ranging from germs (viruses, bacteria) to allergies. Most are caused by virus which will resolve on its own with or without medication.

Keep child warm

Avoid catarrh triggers like smoke, chemicals

Continue breastfeeding if still breastfeeding

Wash hands regularly and keep eating utensils clean

Provide warm drinks if child is on complimentary feeding or family meals

If there is no improvement after 2 weeks, child develops fever or breathes fast, take child to see a paediatrician for proper evaluation and
Please follow link below to learn more about coughs and colds
If your child is four weeks or less and has any issues please kindly take your child to see a paediatrician for proper evaluation and treatment. Poor suction does not cause catarrh.