Tagged Questions

Do you recommend multivitamins like abidec to be given to a baby on exclusive breastfeeding?
You can give but not absolutely necessary especially if the mum is also taking postnatal multivitamins as well
I learnt that teething powders and drugs should be discouraged. What then can one use when a child is having discomfort that arise...
Teething is a natural or physiological process that starts at 6-8months and ends at 2-3 years. Almost all babies experience teething though emergence is earlier in females and tend to occur in pairs.
I delivered a baby girl 9 days ago and Drs didn't prescribe any drug for my baby when I left the general hospital. When I got home...
Dr. Dara Abiodun

Medical Doctor

In medicine, there are standard treatment guidelines that provide information and treatment protocols for diseases. As a general rule of thumb, essential newborn care involves clean environment for delivery, clean cord cut, clean cord tie, clean cord care, vitamin k, care of the eye, provide warmth, early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, rooming in/bonding, immunization. There's no place for antibiotics treatment as routine care. If there's neonatal sepsis; the baby will be treated accordingly. While we know that the level of health care delivery and services vary; there still remains a standard guideline. If your healthcare provider does outside the norm, doesn't make it right or that someone is providing wrong info. What makes you think your info is the right thing. AGAIN in medicine, we individualize patients. Everyone's signs and symptoms may vary. Let's stop generalizing. Your healthcare provider should justify his/her actions. One cap doesn't fit all!
Can I give my 1month old baby Abidec multivitamin? He only sucks for at least 5 minutes at each feeding. I always force in to stay...
  • Best Answer
Just continue breastfeeding your baby exclusively, make sure you are lactating well, empty one breast before offering the other.you can also express breastmilk and feed her using a clean cup and spoon. Download and watch all our videos on breastfeeding.