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Can a toddler who has been confirmed to be allergic to cow milk take Aptamil???
  • Best Answer
As long as it's not made from Cow Milk. She can take it. The key to an allergy-free diet is to avoid foods or products containing the food to which you are allergic. Milk allergy is most common among infants and young children. Since you have noticed he is allergic to milk, use milk products that are soybean or soya bean based. You can equally avoid beef because those allergic to cow milk most often react to other cow products too. Other protein sources like egg, fish, crayfish, beans, etc should be given
How much is Aptamil baby milk in Nigeria?What is the price of Aptamil 2, 3 and 4 in Nigeria?
  • Best Answer
It depends on where you live and the sizes you want for your baby. Generally, it's between 1400 - 7000 naira. You can order online or buy at Supermarkets
Moms, please which formula milk do you use for your baby. What is the difference between NAN, Aptamil milk, Cow and gate, SMA and...
My baby preferred Aptamil