Tagged Questions
Your baby's weight is okay. We hope you are exclusively breastfeeding your baby.
Please see your gynaecologist and discuss all your worries.
The weight is fine. Just do not worry.
I will advise that you give worm medicine if you haven't done that of recent, a tablet of Albendazol.
I will advise that you give worm medicine if you haven't done that of recent, a tablet of Albendazol.
Well, 12kg is the average weight for a 2 year old. His weight is fair. We encourage you to feed him with quality meals.
Yes it’s okay
No it is not normal. Your baby's weight is below average for his or her age.
I advise you improve on the food intake. Make sure you feed balanced diet and give enough water. Also, avoid foods with empty calories.
I advise you improve on the food intake. Make sure you feed balanced diet and give enough water. Also, avoid foods with empty calories.
Your baby is doing just fine. It is however, expected tha you baby should be exclusively breastfed till age 6months
Your baby should be at least 5kg by now. You need to see a paediatrician IMMEDIATELY for proper assessment and management. Please treat as urgent.
In the mean time continue exclusive breastfeeding and increase frequency of feeds. WHO recommends that babies 0 - 6 months of age be exclusively breastfed only
In the mean time continue exclusive breastfeeding and increase frequency of feeds. WHO recommends that babies 0 - 6 months of age be exclusively breastfed only
Your baby weight is OK for his age.
Your baby's weight falls within the average range for his age. Keep feeding him with balanced meals
A pregnant woman is expected to eat balance diet and also her prenatal vitamin except if on prescriptions or special diet as may be approved by her doctor.
Yes, it appears your baby might be overweight. The average weight for a 2years old child is 12 kg. Please, kindly see a Paediatric endocrinologist as soon as possible for proper evaluation and management.
It won't affect her but it is advisable to avoid salt as much as possible but you can add a little to family meals that the child eats.
The weight is fair enough. But you have to put more effort. Breastfeed on demand
The baby weight is okay, What you describe might be colic.
Colic is common in babies . It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months.
Colic requires no medication, By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved"
But if the pains becomes severe and the baby cries continuously, kindly see a doctor.
Colic is common in babies . It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months.
Colic requires no medication, By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved"
But if the pains becomes severe and the baby cries continuously, kindly see a doctor.
It could take up to 1 year or more for the adult replacement to come in
Babies should be weighed naked.
Well done momma, you did great.
You can now gradually start to introduce complementary/solid food as you continue to breastfeed to at least 2 years.
You can now gradually start to introduce complementary/solid food as you continue to breastfeed to at least 2 years.
It's okay for your son to take lipton tea with milk.