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Good day docs and moms
My gynaecologist prescribed Clomid and fertil lady during my last cycle, and follicle monitoring, which...
It's hard to tell as of today until you do a proper pregnancy test. What you've seen might also be an implantation bleeding. This happens when embryo attaches itself to the lining of your uterus will advise you to wait to see how it goes. For implantation bleeding the discharge or spotting will usually be pinkish or dark brown, whereas period blood tends to be bright, vibrant red. If still worried, try see the gynaecologist for next steps
Hello doctor, can I take Clomid, I'm trying to Conceive ?
Clomid, which also goes by the name Clomiphene Citrate, is one of the most widely trusted fertility medications on the market. In most cases, it’s considered the “first-line” fertility medication and is used to treat a range of infertility factors – usually those related to irregular ovulation. But it has lots of side effects. so never take it unless it is prescribed my a doctor
Has anybody ever gone through fertility treatment before using Clomid, if yes how is it like? because a friend wants to start usin...
Ook @ modupeoluwa...did it work for her?and how many cycles did she have to use it?