Tagged Questions

Please can a baby of 2 years take complan milk?
Yes if you so wish.
Please can a baby of 2 years old take complan milk?
Yes, if you wish to give him/her
Can i give my baby of 8months complan milk?
No! Please give infant formula appropriate for ages 6-12months.
Is it good for a baby of 4month to take Complan milk?
NO. Please do not give complan milk to your baby. It's not an infant formula. We recommend breastfeeding exclusively for the 1st 6months and if for any reason you can't breastfeed, please introduce age appropriate formula
Can a baby of 9months start taking complan milk?
please give only age appropriate milk
My baby is 9month and 3day..... He has been taking CONPLAN milk with Nutribrom and Pap since he was 4month but a friend (2 diff pe...
Can you describe the poo, texture and color?
My baby of 15months only feeds on cereals and nothing else and do not eat much, very active and is weighing 11. 4. Is the weight i...
Dr. Dara Abiodun

Medical Doctor

As regards your baby 15-Month-Old Development Milestones: Toddler Month by Month. The average weight is around 10kg. So your baby is fine
Is complan good for an 11 months plus baby?
Dr Aina Johnson


Complan is not an infant formula. Your baby should be on formula for babies aged
6 - 12 months
Please mom's and Docs.. Can I give my baby of 11 months Complan milk?
According to Victor Olusegun Rowland, the Medical Detailing Lead (Manager) – Nigeria, Craft Heinz Company (The maker of Complan Milk) .......over the use of Complan for infants. Below were his exact words: “COMPLAN MILK should not be administered to a child before 3 years of age. The reason is this: a child’s internal organs and systems had not reached functional maturity before the age of 2 years. However, in Nigeria, the local legislation stipulates that adult milk should only be administered after 3 years of age. That is why COMPLAN is recommended after 3 years of age......
At what age can I give my baby Bournvita, Complan or Horlicks?
The minimum age to have Bournvita, Complan or Horlicks is two years.
These health drinks are not safe to be given to kids before 2 years of age, as your little one’s kidneys are not ready to take the heavy load of these foods. As babies surpass the weaning stage, their digestive system starts to accept new foods.

In 2 years your breastmilk helps them grow a strong enough digestive system to take on these complex foods.

As baby graduates from infant to toddler, she needs the right nutrients to grow. As per the nutritional recommendations of WHO for children, for healthy growth a baby needs a variety of proteins and micronutrients including Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Riboflavin(Vit. B2), Vitamin B12 etc. Milk along with Bournvita, Complan or Horlicks can act as a great source of these while also making milk flavourful.
What are the work and Nutritional benefits of Complan milk for kids?
Complan Milk is nutritious but Complan milk is not for babies under 1year. It's unnecessary as long as baby eats nutritious meals well
Is it okay to give a 3 and a half year old complan milk? The reason I'm giving her is because she looks pale and doesn't like eati...
Complain is for 12 months old and above, so it good