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She is a twin. I gave birth to them through C. S. She was fine not until when she stopped breastfeeding and was feeding on NANShe stopped eating finally when she was 6 months. She was admitted to a teaching hospital. She was feed through Nasogastric intuba...
  • Best Answer
You will need to follow up with the doctors for further revaluation
I'm a first time mum and i gave birth through CS 3months ago. Pls I want to know when my menstrual period will occur. My husband h...
Dr. Dara Abiodun

Medical Doctor

Kindly note that Having a caesarean section has no effect on how quickly you start seeing your period. What will affect menstruation, however, is whether or not you breastfeed your baby. If you don't nurse, it will probably take about six to eight weeks for your period to come back after delivery to three months after giving birth.