Tagged Questions

Please is it advisable to put warm water in the private part of a baby? This has been a quarrel between me and my mom in-law. Usin...
It is not a good practice to use hot water on your baby's private part and head. It is a DANGEROUS practice. Please put a stop to it.
How many months do I need to use hot water on a baby head
Dr Aina Johnson


Please, don't press your baby's head with hot water it is a dangerous act.
I have a 3 months old baby. Ever since I gave birth, I have been bathing hot water.sometimes, the weather will be warm n I would have preferred a cold bath but my granny insists I have a hot bath to sustain the fl...
Please doc, this issue of pressing and squeezing newborn with hot water, is it really necessary? If it is, what really is it's ess...
  • Best Answer
Hello ma, it is not necessary infact it is a very dangerous practice. It is time to do away with all those dangerous child health practices. It does not matter who told you it's right. Even your granny or friend has raised a dozen children, your child is your responsibility. Be polite and firm.