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What could be the cause of reddish skin (Illa according to yoruba) in a new baby around the vigina/anus area and what can be used...
  • Best Answer
The treatment of the rashes depends on the CAUSE and type of rashes. Which are quite many. Kindly see a Paediatrician or Dermatologist for further evaluation and appropriate diagnosis and treatment.....
What can I use to cure my baby of 5months old (ila)
  • Best Answer
The treatment of the rashes depends on the CAUSE and type of the rashes.... Which are quite many. Kindly see a PAEDIATRICIAN or Dermatologist for further evaluation and appropriate diagnosis and treatment .
Please I would like to be educated on 'ila' don't know if I spelt it correctly. Women often talk about it on babies, n recently so...
Eela is a common term among the Yorubas used for skin disorders in infants likewise Nla is used by the Ibos.
This terms more commonly refers to a skin disorder called Infantile seborrheic dermatitis (henceforth referred to as ISD). The cause of this disorder is unknown. This rash may be due to child’s response to some organisms in the oily areas of the body namely the scalp, eyebrows behind the ears, or on the neck, cheeks, chest skin folds and diaper area. It’s most common in babies under 6 months.