Tagged Questions
Elibe Precious
Yes ma'am, food allergies can manifest in form of rashes. It may not necessarily be food, one can also be allergic to water.
The treatment depends on the cause of the rashes, it could be a reaction to the baby products or some other things. It is better to see a Paed first. You can do trial and error by stopping all the products and use hypoallergenic ones like Sebamed and see if the rashes resolve, but if it does not it may not be a reaction but something else and you need to see a doctor for further treatment
The child has to be examined to know the type of rashes it is. Please stop the antibiotics, kindly see a paediatrician or a dermatologist for proper assessment and treatment.
Try Cacatin or baby Tribotan Cream. If there is no improvement in 7 days. kindly take your child to see a paediatrician/dermatologist for assessment and treatment. The treatment of rashes depends on the cause.
Please note that the treatment of rashes is dependent on the type of rashes. As it is, we can't know what type of rashes your child has online so we advise that you see a Paediatric Dermatologist for assessment and possible treatment.
The best is to see a doctor
Don't use herbal concoctions commonly known as agbo for a baby. Please visit the hospital.
I think is allergy.
Visit a dermatologist to see if soap/cream is the problem.
Food too
Visit a dermatologist to see if soap/cream is the problem.
Food too
let a paediatric dermatologist make the diagnosis. Do not self medicate.
There are 2 different types of nappy rashes in broad categories those due to irritation from the urine and diaper, and those rashes that tend to occur in the nappy areas. It takes a Paed dermatologist to differentiate
What you can do as Mums first assume it is a diaper rash from prolonged contact of skin with urine so
1) change diaper frequently when wet not only when there is a poo
2) Apply diaper cream - vaseline, sudocream, shea butter, zinc oxide cream are fine. NOT POWDER pls it must be something that creates barrier between skin and urine powder will be formed into paste by urine and further irritates the skin
3) alllow the diaper area to be exposed to air at times when you are home don't always cover with diaper let there be period off fresh air just blow the area. If you do this, most diaper rash will disappear. ANY RASHES THAT PERSIST ESPECIALLY IF REDDISH, FORMING DISCOLORATION ETC NEED ATTENTION OF A PAED DERMATOLOGIST
What you can do as Mums first assume it is a diaper rash from prolonged contact of skin with urine so
1) change diaper frequently when wet not only when there is a poo
2) Apply diaper cream - vaseline, sudocream, shea butter, zinc oxide cream are fine. NOT POWDER pls it must be something that creates barrier between skin and urine powder will be formed into paste by urine and further irritates the skin
3) alllow the diaper area to be exposed to air at times when you are home don't always cover with diaper let there be period off fresh air just blow the area. If you do this, most diaper rash will disappear. ANY RASHES THAT PERSIST ESPECIALLY IF REDDISH, FORMING DISCOLORATION ETC NEED ATTENTION OF A PAED DERMATOLOGIST
Please note that the treatment for rashes is depending on the type. As it is, we can't know what type of rashes your child has online so we advise that you see a Paediatric Dermatologist for assessment and possible treatment.
There are 2 different types of nappy rashes in broad categories those due to irritation from the urine
The type of rash determines the treatment.
Kindly see a pediatric dermatologist for
assessment and proper management.
Kindly see a pediatric dermatologist for
assessment and proper management.
Did you diagnose yourself? Please go to the hospital for proper diagnosis, health tips and treatment. Calamine lotion can help soothe itching.
Treatment of rashes can only be determined by a doctor or dermatologist. Kindly see one so your baby can be properly reviewed. In the meantime, you can apply Tribotan for babies, if things don't improve after 1 week. Try see your health professional
Fungal infection most likely usually called athletes foot. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment with antifungal medication if diagnosis confirmed.
The treatment of rash depends on the type of rash on the child after a physical examination has been done.
Use tribotan for babies, it works like magic