Tagged Questions

My girl of 17 months has refuse to walk. Any cause for alarm?
Can your baby crawl? Can she stand while holding something?
If she can stand and cruise around by moving around holding things to support, then don't worry as she will soon walk.
But if by 18 months
Pls mother's and doctors my baby of nine months has not started clawing, but can hold something and stand for some seconds if i st...
While 9 months is the average age that babies start to crawl, it's neither unusual nor abnormal for babies to put off crawling until 11 or 12 months or in some cases, not crawl at all. One main factor seems to influence when babies crawl: Bigger babies tend to sit up, crawl, and walk later than leaner babies
My 6 year old started sleepwalking... What could be the problem?
  • Best Answer
Your child who always wakes up at odd hours of the night, and walks around in some dream-like state is a mere child caught up in the confusing web of the sleep-arousal interface. Nothing to worry about