Charles Dale Memorial International School
Port Harcourt, RiversAverage rating: 1 of 5 based on 1 users
The school is co-educational and multi-cultural, admitting students from within and outside Nigeria. It is strictly boarding and has standard learning, living and recreational facilities to foster a vibrant life for the students. At Charles Dale, we are committed to training the total child by providing an all-round qualitative education. We also aim to unlock and maximise the leadership potentials of all our students.
Our Mission
We will produce the Total Child — children that are morally, socially, spiritually & academically sound, using state-of-the-art facilities.
Our Vision
A world class citadel of learning with a reputation for excellence.
Our Philosophy
As our contribution to society and as part of our commitment to train up the total child, we have established Charles Dale Memorial International School. We will train up and nurture the total child to be found worthy academically, morally, spiritually and socially. The school is co-educational and admits students from different cultural backgrounds. This will steadily and deliberately broaden our international character. Students learn to live and work together though they are from different cultural backgrounds.
Every student at CDMIS can develop new personal dimensions from this special environment. Students would not lose what they are, but will be broadened to become better citizens of the world. Viewing students as whole persons, the school is concerned with the spirit as well as the mind and body. Its approach to students is directed by the highest Christian ideals which include love and respect for one’s fellow man, service to the whole community and friendship, understanding and fair-mindedness to all.