Royal Kids International School
Port Harcourt, RiversAverage rating: 1 of 5 based on 1 users
Royal Kids International School kicked of in 2007 as a crèche with a number of 10 pupils but has presently escalated to a hundred and Twenty pupils, catering for ages 12months to 10years.
Royal Kids International School is a co-educational school which operates a blend of British and Nigerian curriculum alongside with an adopted Montessori system of education and international primary curriculum (IPC). This curriculum blend, places emphasis on the core subjects and careful monitoring of the children’ progress to ensure academic success in the school.
We run a variety of extra-curricular activities that provides a fulfilled school life, encouraging self-confidence and emphasizing personal discipline and concern for others.
Through effective communication amongst children, parents and staff, we promote a shared vision and commitment to learning through excellence within our local and international community.