I need an advice. I keep having this feeling of being pregnantGood afternoon Dr. I keep having this feeling of being pregnant. I was feeling a vibrating sensation in my lower abdomen and I have been feeling feverish and exhausted and urinate frequently. I went to the hospital for scan and some urine test today and nothing was detected, all they were suggesting is infection, I had a urinalysis but nothing was seen and I was asked to come in two days for a urine culture test result. Though I was given drugs to take, ciprofloxacin and Doxycycline. I saw my period last on 27th of October, though not expecting till 22 of November. I have been so consciously delibrate this month in having sex because I am expectant. I don't want to take any drug for now. Pls Dr Advice me. Pls.
Tomi Amos
Just be patient and let God take charge. Since its just two weeks after you saw your period. Let's see till your next period if you miss it. Cause even if you are pregnant its too early to detect.