6 years ago
Questions (8)
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Pls mums in d house, apart from cereal, what else can I give my 10 month baby, he does not eat any other food, I don't know, if it was bcos of d Ebf
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Pls mama's and doc, what food is best for my son his going to six month and pls d one that is not too expensive
Pls my mummies, my baby boy is going to two months, it seems d breast milk is not enough for him and I'm on ebf, pls what can I take to have more breast milk
Breast Feeding
Gudday mamas and doctors, Pls I'm 39 weeks yesterday, I saw something like catarrh mix Wit blood, coming out of my body, then wit pain in my Tommy down side, then i went to hospital and I was check, d midwife put her hand and she said 2cm dat I should go back home, pls help me what can I take to Hastings d labor
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Mummies and doctors in the house, pls I need your advice on this, I went for Scan today and baby weight 1.7 is d baby not too small at 32weeks and what can I take to increase d weight
Pls mummies and doctor in d house, is it possible for someone to give birth at 35weeks and d baby will be normal?
Pls mummies, I want to know l,how many weeks am I now, I sew my last period November 12, pls I need answer thanks and another one since I don't have money for d pregnant care, can I add omega h3 to my drugs
Hello mothers, I'm pregnant and I'm taking betterleaf stick everyday even to bed, becos of spite in my mouth, pls mamas is it OK for my baby? I'm 4months gone
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