6 years ago
Questions (28)
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pls mummies and doctors in the house I want you people to help me becos am confused,my last period was 22nd Dec 2017 nd am pregnant pls how many months now nd how do I calculate it pls help.
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pls mummies which milk can I give my 1yr and 2months son to make him gain weight since he was discharged from the hospital.
Baby Care
good day mummies and doctors in the house pls which milk is good for a 1yr+ baby
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good morning mummies pls help me out my period came out 15 Oct and dis month period was meant to come on the 13th and is not yet out uptill now.what should I do
Mom's Health
good evening mummies and doctors in the house pls can I give my baby of 1year + golden morn
good day mummies and doctors in the house pls my baby of 1year stand nd put some steps but lately he is scared of even standing without hold something what can i do to make his legs strong.pls help
Baby Care
Good evening mummies and doctors in the house pls my 1year old baby is pooing watering poo dey said is jadi pls what do I do.urgent answer needed
Baby Care
Good evening mummies and doctors in the house pls hv anybody use wellkid pls I want to knw how good It is
Baby Care
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Good morning mummies My 11month baby has not poo since yesterday hope is ok
Baby Care
Good day mummies and doctors in the house pls my 11month old baby can hold tins stand and walk but if u stand him will stand little and fall.pls is it a sign dat he will walk soon?
Baby Care
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Good evening mummies and doctors in the house pls can I give my baby of 10months tea and bread
What can I give my baby for cough nd catar
Baby Care
Pls mummies and doctors in the house can I give my baby babyrest nd still give emzor para
Baby Care
Good day mummies and doctors in the house my baby will be nine months but he dose not crawl well but he likes holding tins and stand.what do I do
Baby Care
Pls mummies and doctors in the house my baby has refused to take his pap wit spoon if not on feeder and am really worried wat do I do.pls help me
Pls mummies and doctors in the house my baby is going to 8months now but finsing hard to crawl he will lift himself as if he want to crawl den he will fall on his tummy.wat do I do
Baby Care
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Pls mummies and doctors in the house I need help how can I reduce my weight my baby is 7months pls help meoooo
Mom's Health
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Hello doctors and mummies in the house,Pls i can take appls cider vinegar am breastfeeding and my baby is 6months
Mom's Health
Pls mummies and doctors in the house pls how can one loss tummy weight after cs my baby is 6month s
Mom's Health
Happy Sunday mummies in the house pls how can one loss weight after c section especially the tummy
Mom's Health