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Hello Mummies in the house. Hope your day is going on well? Let's share our experience - As a First Time Mum, what was your reaction and that of your spouse when labour began?
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Mom Diamond
He checked and said you are 2cm dilated, I asked like this?He said I was going to be admitted I said no I've not fallen into labour and I asked if where I was living was my far to the hospital I said no so he said anyhow I want it went back to the matron, told her I was going home and she said home ke, where is your file, entered the doc office took my file and straight to the maternity ward, that was how I was admitted o.I delivered 5pm that sane day, they commended me to be strong being a FTM
@Sesede26027, well done. That what what I was told too
@mrs ojo. Tnx for your sympathy
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