5 years ago
Questions (8)
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Hello mum and doctor pls my child is having rashing on her body what cream should I go for pls we are a month and 2weeks now
Baby Care
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Gudeven mummies in d house my baby of 1wek and 5days has not poo since Sunday I don't know if Dias any need to worry or not pls urgent reply ftm
Baby Care
Gudeven mums in d house pls my baby of 6days Old her body is peeling out pls what can I use or is it normal ...ftm need help
Mom's Health
Mums n doc gud after pls I need advice on how to treat tear it's so painful that I can't walk or sit well ftm
Thank God with Me, my princess arrived on Friday safely @39weeks mother n child very healthy
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Guday mum n Docs in d house pls I went to hospital yesterday and my bp is 150 /90 having headache is yesday night.. Pls want can I do cos of the bp cos I heard pregy mother can't deliver with high bp and am 38+6days pls help an ftm
Morning amiable mum n Docs in d house, am 35weks n 6days woke up dis morning with pains on my right leg can't even walk well with it pls I don't know if it's normal or is dia any drugs I can take to relief D pain.. ftm mother
Gudmrn mum and docs, help an ftm 18weeks down yet can't feel any movement or kicking I don't know if I shud go for scan or what?am worried urgent advice pls mumz