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Goodafternoon doc and mummies in the house, pls help a First time mum, My baby of 6weeks has pox coming from one of her ear, pls what can I use? Someone told me that it is becos I breast feed her while lying down, pls how true is it?
Baby Care
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@Mmadu15680, baby is neva tender to lying down to breastfeed, what if d mom is unable to sit up for health reasons. Am nursing my 3rd baby and i prefer lying to breastfeed bcos my back hurts a lot sitting up and they dont have any issue. The only reason why lying to breastfeed may pose a problem is bcos a mom may sleep off and the breast may suffocate the baby if not checked
Mrs Afolabi Mubarakah
I lie down to breast feed my bby since she was a week old, she is 4 months now and she is so healthy, intact Dats her best position 4 breastfeeding kuz we co sleep
Mom Diamond
Please see your doc, it's not due to breastfeeding while lying o cos I do that even from birth and we are 7mnths now and nothing like that, Please take our baby to see a doc
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