6 years ago
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Hello mums and doctors In the house,my baby has bn pooing since Sunday, BT it had bn reducing as day passes by.....it was up to 12tyms on dat Sunday but now it's like 6tyms,she is on ebf .....is dia anything to worry abt?
Baby Care
Am back,who missed me?
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Yaay! Am 4 months today, Alihamdulilah, pls is my mummy trying or she shld do beta?
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Moment of truth... Which of d mothers exclusively breastfed dia babies 4 6 months.... My ebf in D's context means no drugs, no herbal concortion..! Mi I am not
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Hi mothers gud morning, just wondering if u hate wen ur hubby calls sm1 else d name he calls u... Wats dat name? Mine is baby, even if he calls a 7years old child it hurts mi.... Wu is in my shoes?
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Wen is d best tym to knw a baby's genotype and blood group?
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Gud morning, pls wen can i start standing my baby?
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Hi mothers, pls can I still train my baby to sit dis way instead of placing her on d floor and supporting her with pillow
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Congrats to d latest moms in town... My observation, all of dem gave birth to male children, God sent males to d world dis tym ard.... May God bless all our children o
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Gud evening my fellow mothers and mothers to be..... Pls ow best can I teach my soon to be 3 months baby to sit
I fank God 4 my family..... D Afolabis are saying hapi weekend
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Gd evening mothers pls ow best can I stop my 2months plus baby from sucking breast, her hand or my back till she falls asleep?
Gud morning my fellow mothers pls ow wld one know a baby is having collic pain?
Baby Care
Good evening my fellow mothers, pls is nocof drop good for cough for my 2 mnths baby?
Baby Care
Good morning,pls wat can I use for my 2months old baby,she has cough and cattarh
Baby Care
Y does my baby have spit coming out of her mouth as almost everytym after all she can't b teething yet....she is jst 6weeks 3days
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My pple abeg wen will my baby start smiling back at mi and recognizing mi as her mother?she is 6 weeks and 3days now
Has any1 eva wondered if fishes had soft bones due to the fact that they refuse to take dia prenatal drugs while cows and rams took dias and make dem av strong bones....dnt mind mi am jst being naughty...GM to u all,av a luvly weekend ahead
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Ow tym flies....my baby is now 5weeks and a day old,hope am trying o?i mean d breastfeeding aspect.baby Yumna is saying hi to our luvly mummies and mums to b
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Uda seed adviced by some mummies here tastes like herb,i hope i made it well?