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Morning my dear mothers o. I noticed that after i changed my baby's diaper to Huggies he started having this rashes on his bombom but the annoying thing is dat the rashes is beginning to turn to something that looks like big alefo...Pls and pls what can i use??? Urgent answers pls
Baby Care
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Queen Kasham
@Heedayat15398, yes or ori Shea butter
Busari Atinuke
Yes o...av always bin using sudocream on his bombom since i gave birth and it works...but dis particular rashes turing to alefo ehn...i no understand am o @Hadeeyat15398 @Queen Kasham
Heedayat Adebayo Mejabi
Is dt nt d cream u re using for d baby body bf...use dt sudocrem 100%sure of using Huggies too.thou I just changed to it sm wks ago
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