I need to know can tie tongue affect a child in future even when the child has no challenge in speaking or eating? Can it be release even at d age of
There's what we call frenulum which attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It is usually a thin membrane and as the baby's tongue grow bigger, it seems to become smaller. However, in some babies, it can be quite thick. It is this frenulum mum usually call tongue-tie especially when it extends to the tip of the tongue. Most times, the baby's tongue can still lift up and protrude without any problem. In that case, the mum doesn't need to worry or do anything. As I said earlier, it recedes as the tongue grows longer and bigger.
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Tongue tie doesn't cause dumbness or affect speech except exceptionally thick one which doesn't allow the baby's tongue to lift which may rarely affect speech, in such cases qualified paediatric surgeons can do a simple surgery to free it...in fact this is done around age 1 to 2 years