Pls Doc and mama's here, my baby is drooling, and he poos like 3 times a day. but the pool is like green colour, loose and stretching and doesn't sock
@drokiemmanuel, thanks Doc, I really appreciate
The colour of the poop might change due to a number of reasons such as Intake of green vegetables/ leafy vegetables by mom or baby, Too much foremilk, Teething, Change in food patterns or started on solids etc
Drooling in children normally resolves with time. Sometimes it can be a sign that baby want to erupt new tooth. In an otherwise healthy baby, there is nothing to worry about.... Some babies drool saliva as habit which they outgrow. However if there are other medical issues for example delayed developmental milestones... Kindly see a Paediatrician preferably a Paediatric Neurologist for further evaluation
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