Pregnancy Good morning house. My last period did not flow well which has never happened to me. What can be the cause, but i have bn on dostinex to return my prolactin level to normal. Can the drug be the cause?
Dostinex is used for Preventing or stopping milk production (lactation) for medical reasons following childbirth, stillbirth or abortion. It can also cause women's' menstrual periods to become irregular or stop altogether, and can stop ovulation, resulting in infertility. Reducing prolactin levels with cabergoline can therefore treat these conditions - stopping breast milk production and restoring fertility. A high prolactin level is associated with several conditions. Over-production of this hormone can cause abnormal production of breast milk in both men and women (galactorrhoea). It can also cause womens' menstrual periods to become irregular or stop altogether, and can stop ovulation, resulting in infertility. Reducing prolactin levels with cabergoline can therefore treat these conditions - stopping breast milk production and restoring fertility.