5 Benefits Of Remote Work  For Working Mums



It's not novel that every business's output depends significantly on the input of its workforce. As such, every employer needs to consider the needs and demands of their employees to ensure they thrive and increase revenue for their business.



This is the same for working mums in every business entity. Adopting a remote-friendly workspace can bolster the productivity of mums in your organisation. Here are five ways you can influence the work output of mums in your company through remote working:



  • Work flexibility 

Working mums can efficiently manage their time and schedules due to the flexibility of remote work. They can take breaks to care for their child and attend work meetings without stretching their capacity.



This flexibility allows them to balance and separate their work and personal life. And the best part is that it doesn't affect your business.



  • Cost-effective

Remote working offers working mums a cost-effective route to care for their children without the cost of enrolling them in a daycare or creche. 



Working from home also saves them the cost of transportation and shopping for office wear. Due to their time away, saving more and achieving financial freedom is an effective strategy.





  • Boosts productivity

Working mums are more productive when they work from the comfort of their homes. Remote work can help them remove all distractions and focus on their work while caring for their child.



  • Reduces stress and anxiety

When mums work from the office, they can't help but think about the condition of their child, which results in constant anxiety and stress. Once they get agitated, it directly affects their work input. Working from home allows them to work seamlessly, knowing their child is safe and under their watch.



  • Fosters inclusivity

When mums in your company work from home, you'll send a message that regardless of their new phase, they're still a valued employee. This will erase any feeling of them burdening your organisation and promote a healthier working environment for you and your mum employees.




Since the pandemic, remote working has allowed several individuals to work from the comfort of their homes. Working mums should be allowed to work remotely for some time before fully transitioning back to the workplace. That way, they're more prepared and ready to take on any task without intrusion or distractions. 

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