5 Nigerian Foods To Relieve Constipation In Pregnancy


Pregnancy has its fair share of causing intense hormonal imbalance with varying symptoms. Constipation is a pregnancy symptom common in the second and third trimester.


While there are a few medications prescribed by your physician, not every constipating pregnant woman may need medications. In this article, you’ll learn how your diet can help you prevent and manage constipation.


What causes constipation in pregnancy?


The cause of constipation in pregnancy is majorly due to your hormones. A few causes include;


  • Progesterone: Progesterone is a hormone that relaxes the digestive muscles and intestines, so they become slow in action. This delayed period causes your body to spend a longer time absorbing food. As such, the food spends more time in the large intestine, which absorbs moisture and, in turn, causes hard stool to form. 


  • Growing baby: The weight of your growing child on your bowel makes it slower for food to pass through the bowel.


  • Prenatal vitamins: Sometimes, prenatal vitamins, especially iron supplements, may contribute to causing constipation in pregnancy. Too much iron in your system can make it hard for intestinal bacteria to break down food into absorbable particles. If you don’t hydrate regularly, it hardens the stool more and causes constipation.


  • Diet: Your diet plays a crucial role during pregnancy. Lack of enough water and fibre causes your digestive system to retain waste more.


5 Nigerian foods to eat for constipation during pregnancy


  • Beans: Beans are a leguminous crop rich in soluble fibre, which adds to the bulk of your stool. It also helps to improve stool movement and relieves constipation. You can eat beans as a porridge with plantain, beans and stews or bean soup (gbegiri).


  • Green vegetables: Vegetables like uwgu, ewedu, and bitter leaf are rich in folate, vitamins, antioxidants and soluble fibre. As a pregnant woman, you can add these vegetables to your soups and rice dishes or steam them and eat them as a salad.


  • Oatmeal: Oats in any form are a great source of soluble fibre that helps manage cholesterol levels and constipation. When cooking oats, use lots of water for proper hydration.


  • Garden eggs: Garden eggs are a healthy snack you can enjoy during pregnancy. They help stool pass easily. You can eat them raw or use them in your salads. You can steam them and use them as a sauce for yam or rice.


  • Sweet potatoes: They contain a high level of soluble and insoluble fibres that aids digestion and easy passing of stool. Boiling sweet potato with its skin is nutritious. They are versatile. You can boil, roast, grill, fry and bake them.



Water: For fibre to function properly, you must always hydrate yourself. You can flavour your water with a little dash of lemon or drink fruit and vegetable juices in moderation. Water greatly helps to soften the stool, making it easy to move around the intestine.



Foods to avoid when constipated in pregnancy


When constipating, you should avoid certain foods as they aggravate and harden the stool more. They include;


  • Fried foods
  • Dry snacks
  • Alcohol
  • White bread
  • Overly processed foods



Constipation during pregnancy is normal. However, to prevent and manage it, always drink water and eat fiber-rich foods to bulk up and soften the stool. Avoid any forms of medications except those prescribed by your doctor.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. Can I take laxatives for constipation?

As a pregnant woman, self-medication is not advised. Consult your doctor for appropriate medication if need be.


  1. Can I take wheat bread when I’m constipated?

Wheat bread is still a processed food. When you pass out stool successfully, you can eat wheat bread.


  1. How many litres of water should I drink?

Drinking 1 to 2 litres daily (8 to 13 cups) is ideal. But do not force yourself to finish 12 cups of water at once. Hydrate periodically. 



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